

   陈安琪,女,生于199211月,硕士生导师,研究员(特岗),湖北省高层次青年人才,武汉市级青年人才, 武汉理工大学15551青年拔尖人才。主要研究方向为沥青路面新材料、沥青材料数值化建模与性能表征、固废高质资源化材料及技术,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目等科研项目5项,在Journal of Cleaner ProductionApplied Surface Science等领域刊物发表SCI检索论文近40篇。


2018/10–2022/03,英国诺丁汉大学,土木工程专业,博士,导师:Gordon AireyNick Thom






三、 奖励与荣誉


1. 2023湖北省高层次青年人才

2. 2022湖北省教育厅有关人才

3. 2022武汉市级青年人才

4. 2023武汉理工大学15551青年拔尖人才


1. 2023,全组分固废沥青路面高质再生技术中国建筑材料流通协会科技进步奖一等奖

2. 2023,全组分固废沥青路面原位再生技术,中国发明协会发明创业奖,一等奖






1. 沥青路面新材料

2. 沥青材料数值化建模与性能表征

3. 固废高质资源化材料及技术


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于宏细观疲劳裂缝演化特性的沥青混凝土损伤机理研究30万元,在研,项目负责人 

2. 交通运输部公路科学研究所基于高粘高弹乳化沥青的RAP全档冷再生机理及性能研究6万元,在研,项目负责人 

3. 中央高校基本科研业务费,高黏弹多元聚合物特种沥青胶结料的性能精准调控及机理研究,3万元,在研,项目负责人

4. 全组分固废沥青路面原位再生技术,校企合作项目60万元,在研,项目负责人 

5. 抗紫外老化沥青路面技术研究,校企合作项目,25万元,在研,项目负责人 

七、代表论文 (近三年)

[1] Zou Y, Gao Y, Chen A*, Wu S, Li Y, Xu H, Wang H, Yang Y, Serji A. Adhesion failure mechanism of asphalt-aggregate interface under an extreme saline environment: A molecular dynamics study [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2024, 645: 158851.

[2] Guo L, Wu S *, Li Y, Chen A*, Liu Q, et al. High friction surface treatment with silicone resin materials (HFST-S): A preventive maintenance method of asphalt pavements[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 409: 134155.

[3] Xu H, Wu S*, Chen A*, et al. Influence of hybrid fibers on rheological properties of asphalt binders and its prediction with computing techniques [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 401: 132904.

[4] Yu H, Wu S, Chen A*, et al. Modification Mechanism and Technical Performance of Recycled PE-Modified Asphalt [J]. Sustainability, 2023, 15(16): 12273.

[5] Zou Y, Xu H, Xu S*, Chen A*, Wu S, et al. Investigation of the moisture damage and the erosion depth on asphalt [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 369: 130503.


[6] Chen A, Deng Q, Li Y*, Bai T*, Chen Z, et al. Harmless treatment and environmentally friendly application of waste tires-TPCB/TPO composite-modified bitumen [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 325: 126785.

[7] Chen A*, Airey G, Thom N, et al. Characterization of fatigue damage in asphalt mixtures using X-ray computed tomography [J]. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2022: 1-19.

[8] Chen A, Qiu Y, Wang X, Li Y*, Wu S, Liu Q, Wu F, Feng J and Lin Z. Mechanism and Performance of Bituminous Mixture Using 100% Content RAP with Bio-rejuvenated Additive (BRA) [J]. Materials, 2022, 15(3): 723.

[9] Li Y, Feng J, Chen A*, Wu F, Wu S*, Liu Q, Gong R. Effects of Low-Temperature Construction Additives (LCAs) on the Performance of Asphalt Mixtures [J]. Materials, 2022, 15(2): 677.

[10] Li Y, Feng J, Chen A*, Wu S, Bai T, Liu Q, Zhu H. Development Mechanism of Aging Depth of Bitumen with Increasing UV Aging Time [J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2022, e01057.

[11] Chen A*, Airey G, Thom N, et al. Simulation of micro-crack initiation and propagation under repeated load in asphalt concrete using zero-thickness cohesive elements [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 342, 127934.

[12] Xu H, Wu S *, Chen A.*, & Zou Y. Influence of erosion factors (time, depths and environment) on induction heating asphalt concrete and its mechanism [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 363: 132521.

[13] Chen A*, Airey G, Thom N, et al. Modelling the stiffness development in asphalt concrete to obtain fatigue failure criteria [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 306124837.

[14] Li Y, Feng J, Yang F, Wu S, Liu Q, Chen A*, et al. Gradient aging behaviors of asphalt aged by ultraviolet lights with various intensities [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 295, 2021:123618.

[15] Bai T, Mao B, Chen A*, et al. Investigation of low-temperature construction additives (LCAs) effects on the technical properties of asphalt binder [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 304, 124634.

[16] Shu B, Zhou M, Yang T, Li Y, Song, Chen A*, et al. Performance study and engineering application of grouting materials with a large content of solid waste [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 312, 125464.



2)一种再利用道砟在有砟轨道养护中的应用、ZL 202210914367.9









